Edwin Morgan: Egy szl cigaretta
Zsfi 2012.02.05. 11:57
Edwin Morgan: Egy szl cigaretta:
Nlkled nincs fst, tzem.
Cigarettd izzott hamutlamban
s felszllt hossz fonala a fstnek.
Mosolyogva csodltam: ki hinn el ily jelt
A nagy szerelemnek. Egy szl cigaretta
A nem-dohnyz tlcjn.
Ahogy az utols hamuszem is
Lepottyant, egy hirtelen jtt szl
Az arcomba fjta.
Szag ez? z ez?
Itt vagy jra, s iszom dohnyos ajkaid
Tz nlkl.
Dljn vissza a fst a sttsgbe.
Mg hallom fsts
Shajt a dohnyvirgok kzt
Llegzem utols cskod a lassan ml jflben.
Edwin Morgan: One Cigaretta:
No smoke without you, my fire.
After you left,
your cigarette glowed on in my ashtray
and sent up a long thread of such quiet grey
I smiled to wonder who would believe its signal
of so much love. One cigarette
in the non-smoker’s tray.
As the last spire
trembles up, a sudden draught
blows it winding into my face.
Is it smell, is it taste?
You are here again, and I am drunk on your tobacco lips.
Out with the light.
Let the smoke lie back in the dark.
Till I hear the very ash
sigh down among the flowers of brass
I'll breathe, and long past midnight, your last kiss.